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3 Davie Photographer Jobs Found
Amber L
Davie, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Actress looking for headshots
I'm an actress and I need some good headshots and I would like to do some creative photos to had to my portfolio I'm a college student willi...
I'm an actress and I need some good headshots and I would like to do some creative photos to had to my portfolio I'm a college student willing to help other college students expand their resume
Jade I
Davie, Florida
Active over a week ago
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I am a model looking to expand my portfolio
I am 18 years old, a part time college student, and a part time employee. Aside from work and school, I love modeling! But I need help findi...
I am 18 years old, a part time college student, and a part time employee. Aside from work and school, I love modeling! But I need help finding legit photographers who are willing to do free photoshoots to expand theirs and my portfolios. I am looking for any type of shoot. I want to do artistic and fun photoshoots. You can use my photos for your portfolio too! I'm in Broward Co...
Pat F
Davie, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Photographer needed for an artist and producer
Looking for a photographer to shoot a few pictures for major producer and artist.. There is no budget at this time but could lead to a perma...
Looking for a photographer to shoot a few pictures for major producer and artist.. There is no budget at this time but could lead to a permanent position as part of a team.
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