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2 Salisbury Photographer Jobs Found
Mallory B
Salisbury, Maryland
Active over a week ago
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Junior/senior prom
I’m not sure where to go for the pictures prom. April 20th the grand March starts at 6 so I was thinking the pictures around 4-4:30 . If you...
I’m not sure where to go for the pictures prom. April 20th the grand March starts at 6 so I was thinking the pictures around 4-4:30 . If you have an suggestion please let me know. My budget is $100-$230
Jenny P
Salisbury, Maryland
Active over a week ago
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Photographer for low budget wedding...semi pro OK!
Small wedding is January 7, 2017 near Salisbury, MD. The church is 3 minutes from the home where bride and groom will be getting ready and...
Small wedding is January 7, 2017 near Salisbury, MD. The church is 3 minutes from the home where bride and groom will be getting ready and the reception is in the hall next to the church. Asking for photos on USB or disc. Needed for approximately 4-5 hours and able to pay $75 an hour. Will pay an additional hour for some touch ups/ effects on some photos. Will pay half in cash...
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